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Erela - Wish You Were Here

Erela photo


Dec 19, 2020 12:46pm

<p>oh I just love this song...... it's the lyrics......make me cry they do.... as I so miss my Daddy..... he did this... he went on</p><p>a second honeymoon with my Mom on a cruise ship to Alaska.... and the second night on board he suffered a massive</p><p>heart attack and died.... and my Mom called me at midnight to tell me.... and to beg me to come get her and my Daddy's </p><p>body from the plane as my older sister wouldn't. You know I ran to her side... and had words for the Doctor who as</p><p>"suppose" to be on the ship .... but he had snuck off the boat with other crew members and went into town... so my </p><p>Daddy,,,, a leading heart surgeon had no one there to help him in those first critical 15 minutes.... but the time they</p><p>life flighted him off the ship and to the hospital.... 1 1/2 hours had past and nothing could be done to save my Dad.</p><p>30+ years and I am still reeling... and crying....</p><p><br></p><p>thank you kindly for stopping in for a listen..... I hope you like this rendition even though I sing the song.... my way...</p><p>gentle hugs</p><p>Erela</p><p><br></p>